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What are the testing standards and testing methods of steel wire rope?
time:2024-04-24 08:47:51      click:58

Basic test new items: composition, continuous bending, compressive strength, ductility elongation, tensile strength, fatigue test, deformation test, etc.

Physical properties: Lashen, impact, bending, fatigue, tensile strength, etc.

Element detection: C, Si, Mn, P, S, Cr, Ni, Cu, etc

Corrosion energy: corrosion resistance, etc

Coating characteristics: coating quality, adhesion, coating thickness, corrosion resistance, etc

Appearance specifications: aperture, length, twisting moment, non-cylindricity, hole warp, etc

Material failure analysis: fracture analysis, etching analysis, etc

Wire rope inspection method: the actual inspection method should be determined according to the need to check new items, and the appearance can be directly viewed by the human eye; Lashen, impact, bending, fatigue, tensile strength, etc. must be tested by fatigue testing machine; Elements must be detected by transmission electron microscopy and other equipment.

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