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Why does stainless steel wire rope break?
time:2024-04-24 09:03:41      click:72

From the actual situation, the broken wire of stainless steel wire rope in use is mostly related to the following situations:

1. Stainless steel wire rope breaks due to kinks. As has been said above, stainless steel wire rope has good corrosion resistance and strong tensile resistance, and it is not easy to break the wire. If there is a kinking situation when the stainless steel wire rope, this will change the original tension state of the wire rope, easy to cause the phenomenon of wire rope breakage.

2. Overload occurs when using stainless steel wire rope. Stainless steel wire rope because of overload so the phenomenon of broken wire is also common, after all, stainless steel wire rope can be subjected to a certain degree of tension. Beyond that, breakage will certainly occur.

3. Corrosive wire breakage. Although the stainless steel wire rope has good corrosion resistance, it also has a certain corrosion resistance limit, as long as the corrosion resistance limit is exceeded, it will certainly cause the wire rope to break. And the whole section is not neat will show a sharp shape, we can judge from the section state.

4. Artificial cutting of the wire. This is not difficult to understand, in the use of stainless steel wire rope sometimes may encounter artificial cutting wire situation, in this case, the fracture of stainless steel wire rope is tangential, we can quickly judge from the fracture state.

NEXT:Wire rope flaw detector to ensure the safe use of wire rope reasons

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